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Hello there, I'm a 14-going-on-to-15-year-old-this-year female student who resides in super sunny Singapore.I study in xinmin sec with sme frens. I've like pink but I'm not a fan of Tofu. I lost my childishness a long time ago! And so, it goes on. Hahas! I hope to continue to write, but i have nthh more to add on. There's a height constraint for th blog, so byes! (: Hahas, thanks to Marcus who gave me the link codes, thanks. (: Shortcuts! |Yes We Can| Shine| Downloads| |
about this blog
This blog was opened by {siwei} to accomodate {siwei}'s mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't fall off your chair! Not the right siwei you are looking for? Here are my past blogs you can 回忆一下。:D ♥mar08-jul08: one ♥nov08-dec08: two ♥jan09-jan09: three ♥jun09-jun09: four ♥mar09-nov10: five affiliates
|Xinergy| Shine| Yes We Can!| 102memories alison alvin amandahoo amelia avel camille colin danggys daryl emo-ish world enreka eunice evangeline fangsin grace henry huiwen iylia jasmine jiaqi jithui jingyi justin kailin kayying kelvin leishi linrui liwen marcus rebecca regina roy ryan samantha suqi shawn siewyi weepin weili winglun wensoon xiuwei xingjie yijie yongsheng yuchi yuhui yunwei zaicheng zenyee zhiyang zhiyi archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
Ah hahahaha... Tag so many blogs! Hmm...Kindof sian posting. zzzz. Now i feel like declaring my blog dead. O_O Maybe next time. LONGG tag replies! :) Nothing to post except... EUNICE AND I STOLE SOMETHING FROM THE SHOP AND THE AUNTIE DINT SEE US!!! O__o TOUGH STEAL, EUNICE. And haha, (idea from yijie's post, hmm.) History : 80 % done! PW : 50% done. Music : Haha, tmr meet. 0%. Chinese : ATT not started. :0!!! And hope ms yap change our seats!!! If she does, guess where I'll be sitting? DDD: **And I manage to know a little bout what ms yap said to mum!!! (She accidentally leaked it.)
Comment! Tag here(: Title:#10
RANDOM.Saw this and I This happened in Germany btw. ![]() Comment! Tag here(: Title:#9
wth this is funny!Dress Code 1. It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your salary. If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a pay raise. 2. If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that you may buy nicer clothes, and therefore you do not need a pay raise. 3. If you dress just right, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a pay raise. Sick Days We will no longer accept a doctor's certificate as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work. Holiday Days Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year. They are called Saturday & Sunday. Compassionate Leave This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you can do for dead friends, relatives or co-workers. Every effort should be made to have non-employees attend to the arrangements. In rare cases where employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early. Toilet Use 1. Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilet. There is now a strict three-minute time limit in the cubicles. 2. At the end of three minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the cubicle door will open, and your picture will be taken. 3. After your second offence, your picture will be posted on the company notice board under the 'Chronic Offenders' category. 4. Anyone caught smiling in the picture will be sanctioned under the company's mental health policy. Lunch Break 1. Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch, as they need to eat more so that they can look healthy. 2. Normal size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced meal to maintain their average figure. 3. Chubby people get 5 minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to drink a Slim-Fast. Thank you for your loyalty to our company. Remember we are an employer of choice and we are here to provide a positive employment experience. Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternation and input should be directed elsewhere. hahahahaaaaa... Thanks to Justin and SGforums.com for this. It made my day!!! (: Comment! Tag here(: Title:#8
Ah hahahahaha~~~Still rmb yesterday. Lazy post ytd, so I shall post today. :O! HAHA at filming studio ytd. Cool chroma key programs and machines!!! :D Then it's at Lv 9. "Datavideo private limited." Things that go up, comes down. So when we returned, we go down the lift. The 2000kg CARGO LIFT. Took about 20 pple in bus 2 (where i belong to) Haha still laughing. and anyway, damn cramp. ))): Somebd (the tallest guy in the whole camp, bout 2 1/2 heads taller den me) went to press LV 1, 3, 5, 7. Odd numbers. Once the door is closed, sb farted? (!!!!) Then the tall guy open the door hurryly(such a word?) on the button and shouted "Wah damn smelly walao why u fart????????" NVM. but THINGS THAT OPEN HAVE TO CLOSE. So? the lift closed. And the smell not gone yet. Whats worse is that we have to stop for 3 levels in the middle. At lv 5, we thot its going to reach soon! But then wats WORSEST is tht sb(a worker) came in at lv 4!!! -.- apparently he saw everything. I mean. The no. of times we have stopped. And he SMELLED the SMELL. -.- After we reached, im still laughing. And you know what? Im still laughing on the bus. AH LAME. Comment! Tag here(: Title:#7
Post 7.PW meeting cancelled today. Tmr then meet. Eunice got high fever!!! ); 40.1 degree celcius!!! DDD: Get well soon~ tag replies to cherie. 18 Mar 09, 17:32 cherie: dont cr8 hist video!! >.< (sorry for spamming) SPAM [but i did the script le!!! ): [U just see first. U all do ppt. Lemme do video and edit myself kayy? Anyway T2Wk5 then present!!! I can stay bck on Weds to edit. D:] 18 Mar 09, 17:30 cherie: haha. and no thanks bout creating a blog and your tag replies very funny leh =X REPLY MY TAGS![replied, haha. D:] 18 Mar 09, 17:28 cherie: thnx for the work post man.[welcome:)] 18 Mar 09, 17:27 cherie: tmr. I AM AT CAMP! =.=[-.- have fun. :)] -------------End of posts------------ Comment! Tag here(: Title:Downloads!
This is just a random part that stays and stick secretly somewhere in my blog.Where I upload random stuffs for download. :D Music ...Coming Soon. Videos ...Coming Soon. Ebooks ...Coming Soon. Sorry! :x
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6th post!-currently avoiding the world of manga and anime.- Arghh comp keep dc-ing every 5 mins. Lets make ths post quick. *tsk tsk* Still laughing bout yijie's post. I have a CRUSH on Cherie...................'s house>.< LOL. Orh sry lor. We not same grp for music! *winks at cherie* Cherie I send the music thingy tmr? :) I'll do up and deco the slides and add hyperlink! :) Tag replies to take up space
siwei: O.o not really. I AM dumb. 17 Mar 09, 02:31 cherie: im the 1st? =D siwei: Yes. Apparently. -----------The end---------- Comment! Tag here(: Title:#5
Thanks for tagging :DStill. Nobody sent me yet? PW? Think they only start chionging today? ): Nvm! I shall do now then. If not tmr will be too late D: Okay. In any case we will be meeting for two consecutive days. Must chiong. And I'll keep this post short. And sweet. Still got report to do ): You all just gimme what you all did. Then I'll add in ba. Kayy? :) Dedicated to History group: Why not do this. I really feel very bad. So I shall write a script. A video. (cherie dun wry it wont take long) I see the final then I do a video kayy? Anyway not that early present. It will be short, and sweet, again. Tell u all my idea l8r. (: W8. I can't see how short this post is but, well! Celebration to the end of Innova JC workshop! Since PW is only meeting up at 12, I shall not sleep too early and chase up on my hw today. To: Cherie. From: Siwei. Re: Music Project. Dear Since I dun think hardworking pple like jingyin and jasper (with volleyball) will see this, I shan't bother to add them to, "To". Therefore. I'm also going to do up plans for music according to music att slides. Busy busy busy! We have alot to do: Proposals, Video right? Don't think they'll be doing much, so lets jia you ba! (And we havent even start on ATT - Take 七里香?I anything.) Wish you good luck and have a nice holiday! (which i dun think i hv, considering the fact that I spent more than half of my hols on the workshop.) Comment! Tag here(: Title:#4
HEY ITS 3 POSTS AT A GO!!! =)Blog Quiz by camille. :D Anyway currently tagging everybd's blog! :) Arghh dead danggy blog. Shall we relive it? Then lets collaborate with the dandys! :O. LAg the quiz for 1 month but, well. ------------quizzyyyy timeeee!!!------------- 10 Random Facts about me: *omg do i really have to do this part? DD: well here goes.* 1) Like pink :) 2) Skipping Tuesday recess for ms yap's chap 3 remedial. 3) Doing hw l8r 4) Doing quiz now. 5) video proposal rejected by yijie DDDDDD: 6) Guilty for not doing anything for history. 7) Meeting up for PW for 2 consecutive days. 8) Havent started chinese ATT and music 9) Going to cook instant noodles cos i very hungry ): 10) Slept for 4 hours to burn the midnight oil l8r! (Hope it wont catch fire) RANDOM? Thanks alot. 1) Eunice 2) Shawn 3) Grace 4)Yijie 5)Marcus 6)Justin 7) Kailin (nvm dun put smilies le) ^^ 8) Jit Hui >< 9) Kayying :d 10) Xiu Wei :O 12. If 5 & 7 were together? WAAA~ Marcus and Kailin uproar lah. 13. who does 5 like? -guessing- I noe she's a girl. 14. What colour does 9 like? Check her blog. Coool color? grey? blAck? 15. Say something about 8? "something" lols! short hair, my last longest gf. 16. Who is 2? Shawn. O_O kidding. he's a genius! 17. Talk about 3. Storytelling competition. Dropped mic. Got first. And me? a second. DDDD: Who is 10's best friend? Kayying? haha :X 19. Who's the sexiest among all 10? YiJie chiiooo, plus bun bun = PERFECT COMBINATION! 20. What colour does 4 like? dunno. But i noe he like bun-chan. 21. Is 4 single? :O! Ask him la. NONO. He got cherie :) 22. Your relationship with 1. nxt to nxt sitter in class, fren to talk about 大鲍 and 小鲍 playing tennis and singing "we are the champions" !!! 23. Are 5 & 6 best friends? Nope ba. 24. 9's surname? Lee 25. 7's nickname? Ang 26. Say something to 8. Nice hair. Looking good. 27. Say something to help 9. Kelvin's here to support you(?!?) 28. Who do you admire? Kailin Yijie marcus shawn. Consistent effort, good acad results. DD: *zibei* 29. Where does 1 live? Wats the place called??? ARGHHH cant rmb. But went bf leh!!! 30. 10 of them know who you like? Not in th list. --------------END------------ :D WOW. Long. Nt really. Ah! gtg sleep. so late. Chiong ah, PW! :) *history: Still can do more. At least lemme edit? I really not use to it so pls? -Feeling guilty-* Comment! Tag here(: Title:#3
sian zzz.)): nb sent me the pw yet!!! stressed. N the meeting is on thurs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how??? Meeting timings refer to the site. Well u noe what it is and DUN LEAK THE LINK. Consists of large amount of research kay?? More stressed at how I haven started on my hw. Due to Innova JC workshop. ): And also nthng to do for history. As in, cant find anything. And cherie isnt online!!!! ]: And yijie say nthing to do(?!?) Which I highly doubt so.. And zibei-ing at how marcus (the leader) did the ppt!!! And he VOLUNTEERED. And shock at the news. WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING ON CHERIE'S (or who) BED? Oh well. Eunice previous bs? Kay lor. Then I change soon ba. Random. :X Thanks to Yu Chi for the Dr. Love article. Where's your dota? zzzzzz. And you all have very very very very cute parents. And u noe what? Miss Yap just called my parents. Comment! Tag here(: Title:#2
Lalala. Nobody knows about the blog yet, yeepee!Except cherie who came here on her own? :) So I shall start my Omgg I feel so lame. The filming thingy for the workshop. YTD. Ahhhh first was CUTEYGAL123. Then HANDSOME. Omgggggg Zhengda I feel so diu lian. ]]: Anyway. Here is the stupid history of msn from centre to end!!! Direct copying and pasting. If not nthing to post about!!! DDD: SCENE 1, TAKE ONE. (btw theres only one scene)
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Candies candies yummy yummy! ^^
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