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Hello there, I'm a 14-going-on-to-15-year-old-this-year female student who resides in super sunny Singapore.I study in xinmin sec with sme frens. I've like pink but I'm not a fan of Tofu. I lost my childishness a long time ago! And so, it goes on. Hahas! I hope to continue to write, but i have nthh more to add on. There's a height constraint for th blog, so byes! (: Hahas, thanks to Marcus who gave me the link codes, thanks. (: Shortcuts! |Yes We Can| Shine| Downloads| |
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This blog was opened by {siwei} to accomodate {siwei}'s mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't fall off your chair! Not the right siwei you are looking for? Here are my past blogs you can 回忆一下。:D ♥mar08-jul08: one ♥nov08-dec08: two ♥jan09-jan09: three ♥jun09-jun09: four ♥mar09-nov10: five affiliates
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Was having CCA yesterday, got reminded of this website i made with grace when i was in sec 1. xDVery the cool. I almost forgot I post pics of my primary school class photo. O_O Sec1s... Hahaa. I realize I was so lame. ._. I think i still am. D: But still. So cool la. I dun even rmb all those posts! It's like, WOAH. "I remember this thing happening!!!" Linkkkk to site~! Anne frank(?) Especially during sec one, when we chased after class key from shawn, then ally with shawn to trick cherie! D: I wan go back to those times. Today. Im rlly like pig larrh, wake at 8 go shine, come home at 11, sick, slept till 2.30. Then tuition at kovan, back home, wanted to go the evening speech and drama help out, still sick. Then slept from 5 to 10?!? I just woke up and bathe 1 hour ago. O_O Haha, dunno how i'm gonna sleep. Im already sleeping late on my normal schedule, now worse! Let's all tongxiao! Comment! Tag here(: Title:#54
Hahaa, mom force me go sleep le, so i shall hurry.
The song Lollipop by BigBang and 2NE1 is very the nice. xD Tmr got shine. Gotta go. www.siweiandfriends.blogspot.com! Officially opened tdy. Zhiyi very enthu, so he posted. O_O So is me, zhiyi, artrep, shawn, and lili! Byes(: Im jealous. >_< Comment! Tag here(: Title:#53
Im really pissed off.I havent felt like that for ages. Seriously, if you continue that you're really getting on my nerves. I really dun wan to, but if u force me to, im rlly rlly sorry. I dun rlly care if its a joke or what, but i hope this'll stop soon. Why cant anybody understand? Life is very cute, and funny. It plays pranks on you. Alot. Humorous? Zzz. The one you care for wont care about you. The one you dun care for cares for you. Confusing. >_< Walked back with jasper yesterday, due to some reasons. Dint want to go back alone, haha. Took like 40 mins to reach home? Which is just like beside Hougang Point. Geez. Cos we apparently took a rest every (thinking) 10 mins. Lol! But he was rlly funny, i laughed all the way home. Jiayous for ur essayy, you'll make it~ Oh yea, and DUN SEND THAT DRAFTTTTTT! Lol tdyy had 1st chem quiz! (: So. Rlly weird. Ermm. Like History test liddat. I noe i confirm score very bad le, but then, nvm. I hope it'll get better! -But judging my laziness... Hmmm. :/- A math is rly tough, and its just the beginning. Aww. :XXX Had photoshoots and speech and drama lessons during shine, very fun (: I must start speaking proper england! O: ! Haven do a maths hw, shall kindof try them now:x First, i shall read thru my guide book and reply all msn convo i have dao-ed for the past, er, 15 mins. See ya(: -Mental reminder: Add everyone on GWR proj on my msn! Keep forgetting ): - Comment! Tag here(: Title:#52
Critiscm.Is that a new trend to release own's load? Argh. Why must our actions affect others? I think it's good that whatever actions you do, only you yourself will suffer. No need to rely on others. No need to use any support. There's rlly actually no need for anything. But still, it's hard. Life wouldnt be life if so. Listening to YUI's "life", the lyrics are, WOW. LIFE BY YUI I'm covered in mud, in an unfamiliar city I can't smile like usual, I walked with my head down People pass by at a quick pace "Did your dream come true?" I'm still struggling Rather than returning to when I was a kid, I want to try living well now I was born timid Leaving for the place where the sun shines, if I tried to spread my hands Then could I surpass that sky? That's what I thought Wings for taking off- They're still invisible Because I don't go so easily, I'm able to live Just by picking up a soaked puppy I smiled a little, then tears came spilling out I want to be loved, I only want to be loved So I've said; just yearning for it is useless When I was a kid, there were days when I hurt Mom terribly Now I want to change everything Leaving for the place where the sun shines, I tried to grip my hands firmly Destroying that place and that time, I can change my life But I can't really finish telling you everything in my heart Because I don't go so easily, I'm able to live Leaving for the place where the sun shines, I try to spread the map, but- I know... You know... I can't do anything about getting lost I can change my life By all of the days that I've spent, I'm who I am now Because I don't go so easily, I'm able to live. -------------------------------------------------- Mummy very happy, lol! Gave her DIY gift! Hahaa. 46th birthdayyy! Yayy. Actually, feel kindof guilty. >.< I only when collecting cake today when i realize my mum is old, and i did not realize it till now. ): Must cherish things around us more and pay more attention! I know who's Junwen aka Recon aka GD le! xD Was washing cans, ask tinfung who is junwen. He was like: YOU TALK TO HIM LAST NIGHT AND YOU DUNNO WHO HE IS?!?! O_________________________O Nope. But now i noe xDDD Tmr got shine at 8, gotta sleep. It's like 12 now >.< Loll. Still discussing on the large change of sec3 with yijie and becca, its true. T.T Get used to it, guys! Im so dirty, i haven bathe. Addicted to comp lerhhh!!! Must bathe in 5 mins. Loll. "Leaving for the place where the sun shines, I tried to grip my hands firmly. Destroying that place and that time, I can change my life." Comment! Tag here(: Title:#51
Mom's bdae.Just reached home, hahas! I kept the cake, and i rushed in my room! xD Now i have her present with me (Smirks) Handmade roses plus chocolates! ((: Bet she'll like it, not that she'll eat it. (Btw, there's only 4 chocs._.) How'll she react l8r? I look forward to find out ^^ Washed cans, had fun, hahas! Then dint go for dss, cos go gwr meeting! Supposed to complete proposal by nxt nxt week! (((: During cca, asked hardi on what i shud add on the proposal (which was mostly done my kelvinxDD) thru his view, cos he did alot bf! (: Thanks :D Yijie said my printer very cool, got ability to print things tilted to one side! :x Talented! -claps- O________________Olll zzz. Lolll. Started editing my Interclass games video, gotta complete by nxt wed. Ohh, and rmb to hand in media consent form for camp. (:x) I forgot to let her signnnnn. Ah, haha. Morning raining, no flashmob(argh!) >.< but nvmms, will have chance one larhhs. I shall now go find the lyrics of Taylor Swift song. Jithui say I lag, now then hear. T.T Sorry larhhs, I very old (I hope). Oh yea. And Jithui say cos Edel look matured, so i look shorter than her. But then, I taller than her by 0.5cm! Even Zhenyong says so. Haiz. Im getting more and more random. hahas. Comment! Tag here(: Title:#50
Haha. So. When have my taste been so bad? Loll.Feel not like me, I am drifting further and further apart from me. Arghh, contradicting! >.< Well, Im not giving up to peer pressure! Im not telling u who it is! xD But no more ATHRUN ZALA! Cos now itss :xxxxx Tmr dss and gwr meeting. yayy! i did my proposal till 1.30am last night, then I pangseh yijie! Very happyyy bout it, apparently Im so evil, yea. >.<
Loll. Then Tinfung was talking to me on msn telling me bout his Guardian angel aka Recon. xD Talking to Recon now, dunno why i nv see him bf ): Im so not obsevant, sit beside hardi(?). Lemme think. Nvm. Loll. Wasnt feeling so good tdy, had flu! D: Thanks to many ppl who blessed me, bless you dun get my flu! Huifeng was like saying "gimme ur flu!!!". Hahas. And! Mdm liew came(: to see shine. Tmr got flashmob, yayy! ^_^ Shall do my hw now, baiiyaa! --My sis so cute. She drawing a face then stick leaves to help it have facial. ._. Primary school!-- Comment! Tag here(: Title:#49
Rants.Test on Friday (nxt, i mean) Math. omigosh. "Fail first math test?" Hmmm. xD Lemme think bout it, I dun wanna fail! ): Tmr mdm liew coming to shine! Yayyy, so we did our dance for the boysxgirls faceoff thingy. :/ Lol! And there's the AC10 proj coming up, HAHA! SO! Busy! Well, I was the one who brought it upon myself. :x Proposal by Tuesday, Video by Wednesday, Script memorised, Meeting AC10 coming up too! I dunno why, Im not collapsing from everything, I guess. ^^ Im just.. How shud i put it? Er.. Excitement, im looking forward to evrything soon. Mr Guo say i changed. O_O Like very weird, lol?! Aiya, I very high mahhs! (: Reminder to myself: - Procrastinate about Stalin. (Gosh, I rlly dun like him) - Revise on BIO. (Would I?) - Do chem. (I like dunno when was the last time I did my hw) :x - STUDY MATH! )': Er, haha! I think the first point is the most impt, I rlly rlly dun like him D: Tho Huili was like "What could u do? He's dead!" ._______.lll lol, I guess so, but still... So Jingting and Wuyue coming media! Whoo!~ Jingting wan come vid, cos we LOVE mr guo! (((: but Wuyue wan go Photo! But nvmms(: Come cann liaos. Me, jit, van, and wensoon was dragging them to come our depts, then wensoon lost! xD Oops! Gotta do the prop and my hw for geog soon, SO! ): Gtggggg~! (((: ----Tongxiao-ing with yijie tonight!---- WHOO! O_O Im seriously getting lamer and lamer, oops. Comment! Tag here(: Title:#48
Yea yea, I noe. Its late.Got called as an owl. >_< Sadly, its true. Arghh. I cant sleep! Haha! I feel guilty today. :x I spent alot of my parents munny!!!! Spent over 100bucks in 2 days. Awwwww~! Yesterday (er, after 12 le, shud be day bf) I bought 4 books, $54++. Today (yesterday) I bought: - Durian Icecream: $1 - Movie: $9.50 - Popcorn (shared): $5.50 - Clown costume (seriously, it looks like one): $12 - White tight fitting dress, with belt: $27 (ex!) - Takoyaki: $2.30 - Watermelon Juice: $1.50 You see what i mean? D: Thats so pathetic la. Somemore my pocket money raise, bcome $6. Very guilty, hahas! xDD Wait. I dun sound guilty at all. :x Thats not supposed to be like that! Oh yea. Why? Cos i went shopping at bugis for new year clothes after math tuition! With kailin, becca, camille, and "ah beng"? What's his name. Ah haha. :X Sorry!!! Sherlock holmes was nice. Really electrifying, exciting, thrilling. Tho it kindof lost to obsessed with the thrilling part. The kind of excitement and fear and horror u get when they fight, WOW. Obsessed wins! But other than that, Sherlock Holmes was fab than obsessed. ^^ Yayy! Looking forward to the coming days, i hope! :D Its so late now, Im so hyperrrr. Now only yijie online, he reading hist, i doing math and cheena hw. hand in tmr ): SO late le la! Cos i went shopping. My bad. >_< Hope i could go out with kailin and peeps again, Im so looking forward to spending times with them! Different class, but the same feeling is still there. Im glad that it has not changed yet. And I hope it nv will. (: **Im planning to put my korea hol pics up, and scan the holiday diary i had! Or maybe type the main points. ((: I miss the cold, it rawks!** Comment! Tag here(: Title:#47
Haha. ME? Hot property? Got the "power" to attract ppl?What crap. Eunice says: U attract the wrong ones, siwei. I think so. You think I wanted that to happen? You think Im snatching him from her? Me. Took away her chance. Asked me to give him to her, she deserve it more, she's kind, she's a goddess, cuter than me, prettier. Yea. I agree. Im a witch. Unkind, hated, evil, mean, selfish, ugly, stupid, has tricked everyone into thinking that way of me. You. Ha. Looking at my msn history then, I dunno why I even bothered listening to u, and getting myself all hurt. Well done. U are the first one to make me the way I felt. You're kidding. Why did u say that about me? U made me cry, made me sad, made me hurt. You dun noe me, u nv ever seen my face before. Just by pics from facebook, you think that way and act like u noe me for ages. Me? I got support, and i appreciated all of them, but still, i cant help but doubt myself. I have no idea a stranger who added me on msn could have such a hold on me. I guess I was unsure of myself. But its different now. I noe what I want. Even if I dun have the courage to do it, I still noe who I rlly am. I dun even noe why im even bringing that thing from so long ago up. Maybe bcos i need to distract myself with something terribly. I cant go on thinking this thing thats bugging me these few days. Talked to kailin and rebecca about it today, feeling much better now. But why is everyone doing this to me? I wanted so much to move on, but when i think i am finally so, i turned around and realize i've been walking in circles. Im not emo. Not sad. Not depressed. Okay. Maybe a little on the sad part. More accurately, was disappointed. Becca said i was deceiving myself on the way I think of that person. But then, think again, perhaps i was. So disappointed, tho I noe its my fault. But I cant help but feeling that way. Guessed I was too full of myself. I was nothing to that person. Absolutely nothing. Sad-ded. D': Comment! Tag here(: Title:#46
Today was.. Not so great.Found out about some responsibilities got to take on. I cannot be playing around like I am anymore. I was wrong. This is the real beginning of 2010. "Welcome to upper sec" says Mr Guo. Hmm. Had cheer today, go video! (: We were supp to stand in a big circle, then those beside u cannot be from the same dept. So I got 2 photo ppl standing beside me. Jiaqi and Lili. >.< Bcos i was trying to dodge frm their "attacks", I got a bruise on my leg! Hahah. But still, I had fun. ^^ Briefed about Logistic stuff, gawd, im so nervous. :x Its 12:12. Have shine tmr, but im not sleepin! Yayy! Btw, I got RODE mic sticker tdyy! Its from the zoom mic box, but then inside got certified thingyy. Took the sticker! And stick into my sticker album, which is unfortunately Barbie one. Kept imagining stuffs, i think im suffering from hallucination. ); I hope what the horoscope says about me this time is true. Cos I wan it to be true. Comment! Tag here(: Title:#45
Two Is Better Than One Artist(Band): Boys Like Girls I remember what you wore on the first day You came into my life and I thought "Hey, you know, this could be something" 'Cause everything you do and words you say You know that it all takes my breath away And now I'm left with nothing 'Cause maybe it's true That I can't live without you Maybe two is better than one There's so much time To figure out the rest of my life And you thought that it got me coming undone And I'm thinking two is better than one I remember every look upon your face The way you roll your eyes The way you taste You make it hard for breathing 'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away I think of you and everything's okay I'm finally now believing That maybe it's true That I can't live without you Maybe two is better than one There's so much time To figure out the rest of my life And you thought that it got me coming undone And I'm thinking two is better than one Yeah, yeah I remember what you wore on the first day You came into my life and I thought, "Hey," Maybe it's true That I can't live without you Maybe two is better than one There's so much time To figure out the rest of my life And you thought that it got me coming undone And I'm thinking I can't live without you 'Cause, baby, two is better than one There's so much time To figure out the rest of my life But I'll figure it out When it's all said and done Two is better than one Two is better than one I love the song!!! D': I hate Jill. Comment! Tag here(: Title:#44
Im tired of this. Excuses. -sighs-Begone!~ Jack and Jill :DDD So how? Short and sweee-eeeeet! Btw, I had Tom Yam for luuuunncccchhh todayyy! xDDD And I forgot to DISTRIBUTE my FRIEND stick on wed! Suddenly rmb-ed it. D; ) I ._. HEY. It doesnt look so short now. Argh. Feeling as weird as a doughnut. And as lame as a pineapple. Goodnight.
Comment! Tag here(: Title:#43
So. Whats the use of learning speech and drama when i cant make use of acting skills when its needed? I thot I was successful. Arghh. Still, got seen thru. );Today sucks. Took bus home instead of walking, I was lazy. Waiting for 112 is longer then walking home, so I ended up rlly late back. Heading back home, saw some scary ppl gathering at the void deck. Got a shock when one stared at me all the way till i crossed the road. Then I felt someone walking behind me. Like. WTH. I turned, saw the guy, and ran. T.T Im nv going to take that route again. Thank god, lift is like less than one min walk away. )': Forgot to take assesments and hard drive home. Asking xinjie help me tmr, thankks (: He was great. Told me lots of joke on the way bck sch, haha. I shall be as no link as an orange, and as random as a kiwi, so. Got scolded, hahas. Our fault. D: Bought winx club fashion cards today. Wanted Bloom, got Musa. Erm. ... Zzz. Forget it. I really have nthh to say now. Or too much to say that I dunno which one to start. Tho I cant rlly sleep, but i guess I have to. Perhaps studying geography will help. Trying to look forward to tmr, hope it'll be a better day. To a particular person, Im rlly rlly, sorry. I really hope you'll be happy, I know you will. I shall be happyy, haha. :P
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Oh.my.gosh. And this starts all over again.:/
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Yay! Starting afresh. So far, so good.At least for me. So I must put on a smile everyday! :D I've deleted my inbox and all sent msgs. Seeing it just brings back memories. Sorry to see good memories go, as for those bad ones, lets put it all behind me (: Im not looking back anymore. Really. Was doing that survey today, saw questions like: When Im sad, my friends encourage me (or smthing liddat) Rarely; Sometimes; Often; Always. Kindof sad, but, still. Whether you are happy or sad, you cant stop time, life has to go on. So why not smile everyday? I'm not trying to deceive myself, so don't doubt me. Lastly, thanks Yijie for your gift! xD I <3 PINK! ... Love my notebook? O: **Reminder: Bought snacks from korea, rmb to bring tmr to share with frens and cca mates! xDD Comment! Tag here(: Title:#40
I really dunno how.So many ppl cried and smiled today. That was one msg i cant reply. Who am I to? If I gave assuring words, I look and feel so fake. I dont even think that I understand it till I truly experienced it. "Think Positive" was all I could say. Yea, she's right. Her bf got A1. So? I feel useless that I cant help. Why? I owe so many ppl things, yet I cant repay them. Repay all of them? Is it even possible? I shouldnt rely on others so much. I must not receive such treatment ever again, because I dont deserve it. I mustn't. "I need to get my emotions sorted out immediately. Fast. I can no longer afford to waste anymore time anymore. So stand up on your feet and stop sitting there, please." Comment! Tag here(: Title:#39
Reviewed my previous blog, realize that I forgot to number post no. 20 and 26, which means, this two posts dun exists, hahas. xDDint feel like blogging previously, but kindof want to now, hahaaaa (: Today, I walked home with "x", who was carrying heavy books. (P.s. Cant reveal real person cos it's quite vulgar :x) Then heard ppl behind us, it's two men about 20years. We ignored them, then like 30secs l8r they said "ERHEM" loudly and cut between us. Haha. So we stunned, and stare at each other, then smile. Then "x" pointed a middle finger at them, loll O________O. Normally dun like ppl point that, cos its very vulgar, but since its "x", I shall forgive "x". xDDDDD Then all of a sudden, the two boys turned and smile (D:) Thank god "x" put down the finger immediately. Ohmygosh, if not dunno what trouble we'll land in. >.< Tag replies(: Comment! Tag here(: Title:#38
I knew it, it's too late, I've fallen too deep to get out.Someone said I must not waver no matter what happens. But the fact is there, because. "I've really changed." I said before, didn't I? Haha. And life goes on. Comment! Tag here(: Title:#37
I dunno how many backspace I use to get to this sentence.This... weird feeling, what is it? I smiled, but my chest hurts reading that msg. I thought I was wrong, but Im not so sure now. I stare at the phone repeatedly, but nth happen. Listened to "Invisible" by Taylor swift. Fell in love with the song. But why? I know it's none of my business, so I shall ignore it. Can I? Now I know why I loved the beautiful lyrics sent to me 2 days ago. Because I see myself in it. Impossible, yet. "I decided that I must add the tune to the lyrics personally. If not I would not be able to get over it." Can I even get over it? Comment! Tag here(: Title:#36
Im online just to do homework. Zzzz. Really really tired, I intend to sleep at 11 which is half an hour more. Biology, haha.Duty in the morning was a complete failure, at least i think. Im so ashamed sia. zzz. Sorry for not planning well, meizhen. >.< "Open books are easy to read, yet not many ppl bother to flip the pages." I totally agree, hahas. Gotta work hard! xD Comment! Tag here(: Title:#35
First, I'll like to say Im sorry to Mr Tan and Stephanie, hahas! Ps! ); I dint noe, omigosh..Tmr got duty haha. And I kindof understand the feeling of why books are placed under tables for sec 3, lol. Yea, i guessed alot of ppl say that, sec 3 need the basic? >.< Shawn! Whatever are we gonna do with A maths? Arggh. Starting real classes tmr, i dun noe what im gonna do. Dun intend to do chii letter, rawr, apparently not many ppl are doing so.. ); Just wanna see what class im in! Hahah. And I forgot to write stars ytd, Im writing 2 tonight! Gotta head of to do the quiz NOW! I saw a very beautiful piece of lyrics today, haha! Randomm. Oh yea, marcus, jiayous, cos you must believe you can do it! Im giving in, but... I feel like it's useless no matter how hard I try. Comment! Tag here(: Title:#34
Hahas, mini tag replies!yijie: I wan join~~~ OO: Comment! Tag here(: Title:#33
Becca's here haha.Becca: HI! Tomorrow no classes!! HOoray. But got talent development talk, principal talk, teacher talk. ZZZZ. And I talkk. with becca, haha! Eating lunch tmr yay! But i eat lunch everyday leh... Cos tmr's special! Lol. Joining _______ joined the group I hope I grow taller in 2010. now, so shall head to facebook. Goodnights!!! PS: Rmb call becca when i wake up! And i bought new clothes for new year!!! becca help me choose one. Looks mature, haha! (*^_^*) Comment! Tag here(: Title:#32
Doing homework now, hahas. With becca. But apparently becca is still doing the article, lol. And only the summaries. And she asked me to shut up, aww. Me slept at 3am ytd, -yawns- cos was completing my hw for The straits times article, hmm. And now looking at mr chew's reply, haha. Kindof guilty, but i will move on, lols. My star yesterday is dumb O_O So i shan't comment on it.Returned to school to return slb badge and pass the twines to the SLs to put up the banner. So I realised: 1. Got 10 subjects (...) 2. Media Projects (hahs!) 3. Speech and Drama Grade 6 exam (D:) 4. Record breaking project (YAY!) 5. SHINE! :/ 6. Blabla. ._____________. Comment! Tag here(: Title:#31
Tired, hahas. I've made up my mind, and i'm not going to change it. Sometimes we just have to be selfish(??). But it's really hard. It's really, really hard. I am stuck, again. Just hope tmr will be a great day. Have not completed my homework, howw? Hmmm. I do not think it will be a smooth and easy day tomorrow.Found out that my index is 25 nxt yr, last girl againn. Bleh. But at least I wouldnt have to worry about guys writing stuffs in my book or people adjusting the microscope till i cant find the cheek cell, Oops. But i'll miss it, I really will. I will miss alot of people, but i just gotta distract myself that i will see them again next year, which i will. I bought strips of colourful papers to make stars just now while buying twines for tmr's slb gm, which, im rlly sorry i cant attend. Speech and Drama's exam syllabus is out, im getting it tmr. Sent a long sms to mr chew, hope he accepts, rawr. I intend to write on a strip every night about my day summarised into a sentence filled with feelings(rlly?) starting from 01/01/10, loll. Today's star contain 2 people whom I wan to thank, so thank you! Hahas. Gotta sleep soon, but i dun wan to. I guess i'll read the chinese book the sch bought for us and do the homework, bleh. Or i'll watch Tv. Anything will do, but i just dun wanna sleep! Hahaa. Goodnights, mina-san. (; Comment! Tag here(: Title:#30
Kailin, I dint mean it, Im rlly rlly sorry. D';
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Countdown was fun, hahas. Left house at 3pm to meet Jithui at Kovan MRT. Then after meeting Randall on the train itself and Suhailla whom we have not met for a long time (yay) because her passport could not get her back to Singapore, and she decided to stay in Johor, we went kbox. Rofl. Quite fun? I think i was busy drinking, hahas. Randall picked the korean song "Gee" and only sang the chorus cos he dunno how read korean words. Lol. Then at some point they started to sing the school song and recite the school pledge after Randall said "School Stand". And then we laughed. Hahass. Time out should be at 7.30, but we left at 6.40pm for a movie. Rawr, waste munny, but nvm, because the movie was quite worth it.Alvin and the Chickmunks 2! Haha, it was funny. Jolina joined us along. Then after the movie, met Jithui's old primary school friends, Lylan and Nicole. I always thought Lylan was called William, hmmm. He's a very nice guy whom without him, I wouldn't be able to get home, and thanks to his optimistic character (I think), I laughed alot at the bus stop. In any case, the fireworks was beautiful! Yeah, Kelvin's right, it was mesmerizing! Thank God I took a video of it down, hahah. Thanks to Randall and gang for telling me that the fireworks is going to shoot the SINGAPORE EIFFEL TOWER, lol. New Year resolutions: 1) Grow Taller (I am seriously losing hope at this.) 2) Stop being so blur (As commented by Jolina and Lylan) 3) Secret, hahasssss! So we went home at bout 12.15am from cityhall MRT (I guess) then reached Kovan MRT station at 12.40am. Then Jithui and Jolina and Suhailla and Nicole went the other way, while me and Jit's friend went to the bus-stop. 112 came, and was about to get on, when the bus driver declined passengers. OhGosh. Check the board, it says that 112 stops service at 12.46am. YEA, it's exactly 12.46am. But Lylan said Jolina said that New Year, bus service till 4am. Doubled and tripled check with her, and yea. After 10mins i was like telling him that i think rlly dun have le, and he said "SHH Let's hope" or smthing like that. Then I was saying that he is super enthu. O__________O RAWR. So we waited for 30mins more. Haha. Then he's so optimistic, he went to call the SBS service counter till it says they are closed. HAHAHAAAA that's funny. He stays at Hougang Ave 2 (I think) which is near the Hougang stadium, and he can walk home. Then I said since xinmin is near sports stadium, i could walk back home but then, yea, it's late, so!!! I was PS la, Jithui's dad had to fetch me. And he said he'll walk home. AHHH Thanks Jithui's dad and Jithui, I will 报答 you one. >.< Then reached home at 2+, only slept at 4, but dun ask me why. (: So that's my day yesterday, counting down to today, yay. P.S. I woke up at 1plus, lmao. Comment! Tag here(: |