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Hello there, I'm a 14-going-on-to-15-year-old-this-year female student who resides in super sunny Singapore.I study in xinmin sec with sme frens. I've like pink but I'm not a fan of Tofu. I lost my childishness a long time ago! And so, it goes on. Hahas! I hope to continue to write, but i have nthh more to add on. There's a height constraint for th blog, so byes! (: Hahas, thanks to Marcus who gave me the link codes, thanks. (: Shortcuts! |Yes We Can| Shine| Downloads| |
about this blog
This blog was opened by {siwei} to accomodate {siwei}'s mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't fall off your chair! Not the right siwei you are looking for? Here are my past blogs you can 回忆一下。:D ♥mar08-jul08: one ♥nov08-dec08: two ♥jan09-jan09: three ♥jun09-jun09: four ♥mar09-nov10: five affiliates
|Xinergy| Shine| Yes We Can!| 102memories alison alvin amandahoo amelia avel camille colin danggys daryl emo-ish world enreka eunice evangeline fangsin grace henry huiwen iylia jasmine jiaqi jithui jingyi justin kailin kayying kelvin leishi linrui liwen marcus rebecca regina roy ryan samantha suqi shawn siewyi weepin weili winglun wensoon xiuwei xingjie yijie yongsheng yuchi yuhui yunwei zaicheng zenyee zhiyang zhiyi archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
Title:#65 Facebook Fave
Si WeiLover of the day Si discovered their Lover of the day and the result was Xinmin Yeswecan Yesterday at 12:53am via Lover of the day · Comment · Unlike · Your Lover of the Day You like this. ^^
Comment! Tag here(: Title:#64 Tied Up
Released from classes at 11.30 todayy, yayy!Cos missed Mr Cheng's Eng Lesson! :x Cos I never do homework! >_< Symposium! At first thought may be boring till crazy, but it was fun! ^^ Amanda brought camera, we took pictures! By we I mean siwei, amanda, michelle, shawn, daryl and joshua! (: So we wore red ties and took a formal shot, and then l8r someone suggested to stand one line take, then I say "Short infront, tall behind please, I stand last!" :x Then Amanda said "I stand second last!" I say "Shawn! Stand infront! >_<" Ok. 172cm isn't very tall kayy! ... .... Fine. It is. D: Then i rewind back! The tying of ties. O: Daryl took my tie to help me hold cos I learned how to tie tie! Then in the end I kept redoing like 17times then daryl very impatient! He asked an SL help him then wore my tie! D: Then he posed. So this was what happened: Siwei: Very handsome le larhh! xD Daryl: Of course! Siwei: ._. Daryl: But actually hor, (pauses), I think this tie is hindering me. Siwei: o___________________o?! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, funny. Throughout the symposium me and daryl and amanda and michelle played confession! xD Gang up! Very very funny. O: Overall it was great! I feel like joining NYP science proj this year. It's supp to be a 60-100hours proj! ^^ Ohyea! And i realized i am running 8x50m for sports day! Ridiculous. *shakes head* Im lame now larhh! Literally. :/ Apparently the committee sees your napfa. >:I (Learned from Bryan) HMMPH! ): Many many things to complete by friday (2days later) Need to stay awake and chiong lerhh, byes! (:
Comment! Tag here(: Title:#63: 大変です!
Rush rush rush!!For homework. Tests. Projects. Before that. I slept at 7am yesterday. I truly felt nocturnal. *nods* Imagine. The moment you lie on your bed, you are very tired (obviously, it's 7!). Then you turn and shift to sleep. That's when you see... LIGHT! Shining through the window! D: Then you think: "SHUCKS! I NEED TO SLEEP NOW! I CANT STAND THE SUN!" Lol. Sorry. I was crapping. xD So to be serious. I was actually thinking "SHUCKS! I NEED TO SLEEP NOW! NEED TO WAKE UP FOR TUITION TMR!" O___________O Dun blame me for laming T.T I really really lack sleep. Tomorrow dunno have physics test anots... ): Kinematics! D: Im so going to die! So what happened today? Alarm rings at 10, I snoozed all the way to 12. WOW. Like every 3mins. So I was practically gripping on my phone and actually pressed them subconsciously every 3mins! Then when I finally woke up, I was shock to find myself holding on tightly to my handphone with my thumb at the "snooze" button, hahas. Then tuition lerhh. Nothing much^^ After tuition! Was doing my overnight proposal when I receive a call! From meihui and colin. And they wanted to crash my house): And they are downstairs le! O.o So I went down, cant find them, then walk back up. 20mins l8r meihui was like: OMG SIWEI WHERE ARE YOU 20MINS LERH! :x Loll. Then went down again, cant find. LOL! In the end they came up to sing karaoke, and thats rlly what happen. And Meihui and me kept speaking in the HONGKONG ppl accent. xD Ok! The end! I shall go study my physics in case there is a test tmr. じゃまたね!{*^_^*} Comment! Tag here(: Title:#62:Poem by Shawn.
So Youtube Channel NIGAHIGA now has 2million subscribers.Im one of them.^^ Then he came up with this poem in his video to thank his supporters:
Lols! That's so funny HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! Then I told Shawn. He edited it. Now it became:
Shawn is mean! D: Ok, he's mean, but i agree. It's funny. I'll think of one more to tell back. ^^
Comment! Tag here(: Title:#61:Succumbing to temptation
Okayys, perhaps I put a full-stop before.Now I decided to use an eraser to rub it off! (: Because I am really tempted to blog. Occasionally. My rants! ^^ I know larhh, everybody said my blog is dead. D: And Eunice just told me the other day "siwei, OUR blogs are dead! When will it revive?" I replied: "Someday, my frien, someday." Hahas, sound so classic! :x I look back at my sec1 blog. Wow, they are long. So I shall try to reach that length by ranting. Yes, rantings. And I was reading through them and I was: Omg did that happen?!? O_O Apparently I dint remember. :x Today was fab. Had physics mavis tuition. Me and Kailin was late. Due to me, of cos:x Lol. I was busy smsing the whole lesson. O: But I paid attention! Attentively! xD After tuition, me, kailin and michelle met up with Zhiyi and Colin. Then I bought 3 comics! $20++! Cos long long never buy lerhh! When kailin knew that me and michelle is going to meet up with zhiyi, she went CRAZY. Like, really crazy. Cos she missed trainings, then ERHEM. xD On bus no. 112. Shawn called. To ask where we were cos he and art rep reached Hougang point lerhh. Then it was really lame. It went something like this.
Basically it went like this. O: Huili wanted to smack me with the laptop she brought, but it was too heavy! HAHS! Thank god! :x Then bus reached, Zhiyi went home take his hw and laptop first. Me and huili went hougang point. I called Shawn. So the conversation went like this...
Yea, that's the main gist. The rest are rlly rlly lame. And these are lame enough. Then do Math ATT. Sidetracked alot. And yes kailin, you arent the one making us sidetrack! Me and zhiyi started MSNing opp each other. And spamming. O_O Then we started playing songs. Disney songs, then All American Rejects, then random genres. .___. Hahas! P.S. I decided that I want watch Kidnapper! xD P.P.S. I realise that there is alot hw. And my proposal. P.P.P.S. I dunno how do chinese ATT. Mental note to ask someone tmr. Thanks to nobody for reading! Comment! Tag here(: |